About Us


Kana Chang

First and foremost, WELCOME TO MY STORE! Thank you for stopping by. Your decision to shop small makes a huge difference and your purchase truly keep my dreams alive! For those things, I cannot THANK YOU enough! 


InsertCASEable is a phone case brand and it all started from my personal problem.

Back in 2020, when the world was shut down due to COVID, I had my second child and became a stay home mother. It was the best time of my life but also the worst because we were confined to our homes. Like many, I found myself falling into depression and questioning myself about LIFE. I realized that the one thing that I always had with me was my phone, so I started designing phone cases that will make me happy. To my surprised, it really helped and that’s how InsertCASEable was born. I didn’t like the fact that I had so many phone cases and didn’t have any storage for it, so I created a custom phone case that works with inserts to solve the issue. 

I believe we're all going through life and it’s nice to get a reminder to SMILE. My goal at InsertCASEable is to create phone cases that will bring a smile to your face. Sometimes in life, it's the smallest thing like your phone case that can brighten your entire day.  



I like sharing what goes on behind the scenes as I navigate my small business on this wild journey. You can check out my YouTube and TikTok account, where I document everything from packing orders, designing, what I've learned and much more!